Relationship between Social Capital and Digital Competence in Indonesia Senior High School Population
Digital Competence, Social Capital, Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction, Teacher PerformanceAbstract
Employee performance is the issue that gets the most attention in every scientific study. Once performance is important for an organization's progress, policymakers must know the factors affecting employee or organizational performance. This study aims to determine the effect of digital competence, social capital, and emotional intelligence on teacher performance through job satisfaction as an intervening factor. Data were obtained by distributing questionnaires to 419 public high school teachers in Batam City. The research uses qualitative and quantitative approaches. The data analysis method is a structural equation model using the Smart-PLS device. The study's results found that digital competence, social capital, and emotional intelligence directly positively and significantly affected teacher job satisfaction. Second, digital competence, emotional intelligence, and job satisfaction have a direct positive and significant effect on teacher performance. In contrast, social capital directly does not have a significant effect on teacher performance. Third, job satisfaction fully mediates the effect of social capital and emotional intelligence on teacher performance, but job satisfaction does not mediate the effect of digital competence on teacher performance. The results of this study recommend that school leaders or principals at State High Schools improve digital competence and social capital.
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