The Effect of Location Accessibility on Borrowing Decisions through Quality of Services at Bank BTPN Tebing Tinggi, Indonesia
Location Accessibility, Service Quality, Customer DecisionAbstract
This study aims to determine the influence of location accessibility on lending decisions, with the quality of services provided as a mediating variable for Bank BTPN Tebing Tinggi customers. The research method used is the method of qualitative data and quantitative data. While the data used is primary data. The data analysis method in this study uses simple linear regression analysis to obtain a comprehensive picture of the effect of location accessibility on loan decisions and service quality provided as a mediation variable for Bank BTPN Tebing Tinggi customers by using the SPSS 25 for Windows program. A simple linear regression model is used to determine whether the independent variable significantly affects the dependent variable. As for the results of this study, the first hypothesis was accepted, meaning that Location Accessibility (X) has a positive and significant effect on Service Quality (Z). The second hypothesis is accepted, meaning that Location Accessibility (X) has a positive and significant effect against the Customer Decision (Y). The third hypothesis is accepted, meaning Service Quality (Z) positive and significant effect on Customer Decision (Y) and while the indirect effect through the Z variable is 0.622 x 0.388 = 0.2413 from the calculation results obtained, it shows that the direct effect through the X variable is greater than the indirect effect on the Y variable.
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