Examining the Effect of Job Description on Employee Performance at PT. Karya Hevea, Indonesia: A Mediating Role of Compensation
job description, employee performance, compensationAbstract
This study examines the effect of job descriptions on employee performance with compensation as an intervening variable at PT. Karya Hevea Indonesia. The research method used is the method of qualitative data and quantitative data. At the same time, the data used is primary data. The data analysis method in this study uses simple linear regression analysis to obtain a comprehensive figure of the effect of the job description on employee performance with compensation as an intervening at PT. Karya Hevea Indonesia by using the SPSS-25 for Windows program. The data was analyzed using a simple linear regression model. The result indicates that job description has a significant positive effect on employee performance. Besides that, this study found that compensation does not significantly affect employee performance. In addition, compensation does not mediate the relationship between job description and employee performance. In conclusion, this study has successfully identified the relationship between job description, compensation, and employee performance. Sadly, this study failed to prove that compensation mediates the relationship between job description and employee performance.
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