Investigating DIY Sneakers for Mass Customization Business Models by using 3D Printing Technology


  • Agatha Dinarah Sri Rumestri Department of Product Design, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Design, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, 53147 Central Java, Indonesia.
  • Robert Christian Subagio RCS Design, 65118 East Java, Indonesia
  • Ivan Eliata Kusuma Ivan 3D Printing & Design, 60187 East Java, Indonesia



Sneakers, Mass customization, 3D Printing, Generation Z, Personal style


Sneakers have evolved into a new fashion style popular among Generation Z, including in Indonesia. The massive use of social media has increased the sense of individualism for everyone in expressing themselves. It is one factor that supports the development of the Mass Customization Business Model. In manufacturing custom products, 3D Printing is a technology that has the advantage of producing short serial and personalized products. This study explores sneaker designs that can be customized in certain parts using 3D printing technology. We conducted existing studies and expert interviews to determine sneaker features that can be customized with 3D Printing. In this research, some experiments were also executed to determine the 3D printing material and lattice structure that are more appropriate and applicable. This research results in the application of 3D Printing on the sole and accessories that can be customized on the lace and heel. Based on consumer analysis, the more popular sneakers are unisex characters. Meanwhile, the results of observing fashion trends are the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, depicted through two design concepts: Hygen (Hygienic Expression) and Radex (Radical Expression). On the basis of a series of research and experiments that have been carried out, the sneakers that Generation Z will favor are sneakers with cosmetic features that can be customized to meet individual expressions.


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How to Cite

Rumestri, A. D. S., Subagio, R. C., & Kusuma, I. E. (2023). Investigating DIY Sneakers for Mass Customization Business Models by using 3D Printing Technology. Global Journal of Emerging Science, Engineering & Technology, 1(2), 58-70.